
Midas DN4888 StageConnect Interfaz con 8 entradas y salidas

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Midas DN4888 StageConnect Interfaz con 8 entradas y salidas
Midas DN4888 StageConnect Interfaz con 8 entradas y salidas
Midas DN4888 StageConnect Interfaz con 8 entradas y salidas
349 €
Ahorras 11 €
IVA incluido
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Interfaz StageCONNECT con 8 entradas y salidas Se conecta a cualquier dispositivo StageConnect o transmisor Ultranet Transmite hasta 32 canales a través de StageConnect...
349 €
Ahorras 11 €
IVA incluido
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Características de Midas DN4888

  • Interfaz StageCONNECT con 8 entradas y salidas
  • Se conecta a cualquier dispositivo StageConnect o transmisor Ultranet
  • Transmite hasta 32 canales a través de StageConnect con menos de un milisegundo de latencia
  • Conecte dos unidades juntas para obtener una gama más amplia de entradas y salidas


Product Features

The DN4888 is the perfect solution for connecting additional equipment to your monitor or FOH console. It provides 8 additional analogue in and outputs to enable for 8 analogue inserts or the connection to wireless devices, like 8 wireless microphones and 8 wireless in-ear systems. 

The StageConnect interface can be connected to other StageConnect devices using a single XLR cable for multi-channel audio transmission. There are various I/O options available providing easily scalable connectivity in your side rack. The devices of the DN48XX Series can be daisy-chained and will negotiate the channels for their respective connectivity automatically. 

 StageConnect – The Future of XLR
StageConnect – The Future of XLR

What if any standard XLR or DMX cable could be used to transmit more than one channel of audio?

What if that cable could transmit signals not only one way, but bi-directionally?

What if that cable would allow the passage of control data or even MIDI at the same time?

What if a connected StageConnect device could receive up to 18 W of power through that same cable?

Well, these capabilities are exactly what StageConnect delivers – a new interface standard to be released by Music Tribe after two years of development. The Midas DN48XX Series is one of the first available I/O-Interfaces based on the StageConnect-Standard. This new standard comes with outstanding technical specs: 32 channels of uncompressed PCM audio in various I/O configurations, 24-bit at 48 kHz, below 0.05 ms of latency.

For optimum performance and long cable runs 110 Ohm DMX cable is required.

 Ecosystem and Beyond
Ecosystem and Beyond

The DN48XX Series is the first generation of I/O Interfaces for the new StageConnect ecosystem. StageConnect was introduced with the Behringer WING mixing console. Even though the DN48XX Series was designed with the WING console in mind the devices can be used with all StageConnect devices like HUB4. The StageConnect Ecosystem opens a wide field of audio devices. May it be several I/O devices spread over the Stage or equipment in the siderack - the use cases for the DN48XX Series StageConnect Interfaces are virtual

Comprar Midas DN4888 StageConnect Interfaz con 8 entradas y salidas

Ref. 00349.00000000-0-000-DW101-00010-cons-10213239

EAN 4033653071673

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