Marcus Miller

Marcus Miller M7-4 Lefthand (2nd Gen) TBL Trans Blue

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Marcus Miller M7-4 Lefthand (2nd Gen) TBL Trans Blue
Marcus Miller M7-4 Lefthand (2nd Gen) TBL Trans Blue
925 €
Ahorras 176 €
IVA incluido
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Recíbelo de 7 a 10 días
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925 €
Ahorras 176 €
IVA incluido
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Recíbelo de 7 a 10 días
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Características de Marcus Miller M7-4 LEFTHAND...

Marcus Miller M7-4 LEFTHAND (2ND GEN) TBL TRANS BLUE. Marcus Miller M7-4 Lefthand (2nd Gen) TBL Trans Blue

Marcus Miller Bass. 2nd Gen. Zurdo. Cuerpo : Alder with Solid top Arce Wood. Forma : New Modern Bass. Mástil : Arce canadiense (Scarf Joint). Forma : C-Shape. Escala : 34''. Unión del mástil : 4 Bolt Individual Dot. Diapasón(Rolled Edges) : Ébano. Radio diapasón : 12”. Trastes : Medium, 24 Trastes. Cejuela : 4 String – Natural Bone 38mm width. Incrustaciones : White Pearl Dot. Pastillas : Marcus Pure-H Revolution Set. Electrónica : Marcus Miller Heritage-3 with Middle Frequency Control. Potenciómetros : Modern Black Plastic. Puente : Marcus Miller Heavy Mass Custom. Clavijeros : Sire Diecasting Gear. Herrajes : Black. Acabado Trans Blue.

Comprar Marcus Miller M7-4 Lefthand (2nd Gen) TBL Trans Blue

Ref. 00749.00000000-0-810046131886-1-10197616

EAN 0810046131886

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