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Puedes ponerte en contácto teléfonico o por correo electrónico y nuestros especialistas resolverán tus dudas.
Los productos Reacondicionados son productos que han sido abiertos para demos o exposición de nuestras tiendas.
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Cuentan con tres años de Garantía
Embrace the legacy and make your mark on history with the UB-Xa from Behringer. More than just a recreation of a classic synthesizer, we’ve made sure that the UB-Xa has all the bells, whistles and characteristics that came with the original, but it’s also filled to the brim with modern features such as velocity and after-touch, 512 user program memories and comprehensive MIDI implementation. This makes for a well-rounded synth that’ll make friends with anything in your setup.
To recreate its iconic growl and sizzle, we dove deep into the inner workings of the original OB-Xa and brought them into the 21st century including all its original factory patches that made the 80s roar. Thanks to its VCOs and VCFs heavily based on the original 3340 and 3320 chip designs, 16 voices and the ability to split its keyboard so you can layer 2 different sounds, the UB-Xa is capable of conjuring up massive sounding riffs.
The UB-Xa is a synth like no other that stands on the shoulders of giants! Its legacy is what gave birth to the 80s most iconic hits from the world’s most famous artists! From Rush’s Geddy Lee, The Police, Prince to Van Halen, and even the iconic Terminator theme composed by Brad Fiedel, the UB-Xa’s lineage is filled only with the greats and now you can make your own mark on history as well.
Comprar BEHRINGER UB-Xa Sintetizador Analógico Polifonico ( REACONDICIONADO )
Ref. 001149.00000000-0-0722-AAF86-EU1-$$$-0-10297120
EAN 10297120
Por festividad en Madrid hoy dia 8 de Noviembre
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