
Behringer System 55

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Behringer System 55
Behringer System 55
Behringer System 55
Behringer System 55
1.999 €
Ahorras 500 €
IVA incluido
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Recíbelo entre el Tuesday 25/Wednesday 26
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Módulo para sintetizador modular Sistema modular Eurorack 144 HP de espacio de expansión libre para otros módulos Contiene los módulos...
1.999 €
Ahorras 500 €
IVA incluido
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Recíbelo entre el Tuesday 25/Wednesday 26
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Características de Behringer System 55

  • Módulo para sintetizador modular
  • Sistema modular Eurorack
  • 144 HP de espacio de expansión libre para otros módulos

Contiene los módulos siguientes:

  • 914 Fixed Filter Bank (banco de filtro fijo)
  • 923 Filters (filtros)
  • 904A VC Low Pass Filter (filtro paso bajo)
  • 904B VC High Pass Filter (filtro paso alto)
  • 992 Control Voltajes (voltajes de control)
  • x5 902 VCA
  • x4 911 Envelope Generator (generador de envolvente)
  • x2 921A Oscillator Driver
  • x6 921B Oscillator
  • 921 VC Oscillator
  • 950 Sequential Controller (controlador secuencial)
  • CM1A MIDI-CV Interface
  • x3 CP3A-O OSC Controller (controlador OSC)
  • x3 CP3A-M Mixer (mezclador)
  • x2 995 Attenuators (atenuadores)
  • 903A Random Signal Generator (generador de señales aleatorias)
  • CP35 Attenuators (atenuadores)
  • 961 Interface
  • 962 Sequential Switch (interruptor secuencial)
  • x2 Eurorack Go Case (carcasa con fuente de alimentación)
  • x2 Eurorack Go Brackets (para enlazar 2 carcasas Eurorack Go)
  • Incluye paneles ciegos BP28, BP56 (x2) y BP2 (x2)


Product Features
 Modular Synthesis
Modular Synthesis

The first SYSTEM 55, 35 and 15 synth modules came out in the early '70s and tended to be extremely expensive. They were mainly all discrete transistor designs as op-amps at the time were very high cost. The discrete circuitry gave the modules a very distinctive sound and were used by artists like Keith Emerson, Stevie Wonder, Tangerine Dream and so many more, giving us some of the greatest records we’ve ever heard. Modular synths were a landmark development in electronic music and today, it’s about to get better. 


We’re bringing back all those amazing modular synths that you’ve all come to know and love and we’re putting them in one neat package that’ll surely blow you away. Enter the Behringer SYSTEM 35. This is a pre-assembled “System 35” modular synthesizer that comes packed with 25 of our vintage sounding synth modules, mounted and fully powered in the super-sturdy EURORACK GO case. It even comes with some extra space for another one of our favorite things… more modules! 

 A Great Way to Start
A Great Way to Start

The SYSTEM 35 is an amazing tool for those who are just starting down the psychedelic, neon-bathed road of modular synthesis. This whole setup comes equipped with two 921A OSCILLATOR DRIVERS, four 921B VCOs and a 921 VCO all of which provide five fully featured voices that you can adjust and tweak any way you want! The two CP3A-M MIXER modules allow you to mix up to four inputs each which you can then patch out to other modules. Want a nice pad to your song? Have one signal go to a delay module and have another go into a step sequencer or other modules in the SYSTEM 35 for more intricate patches and hours and hours of fun! The SYSTEM 35 also includes the CP35 ATTENUATOR module with 4 linked attenuators and two sets of 4 multiples and reference voltages. Connecting a single signal to the CP35’s first input will allow it to pass to all 4 outputs. This allows you to have up to 4 variable outputs of a single signal source. Also included are two banks of 4-point multiple circuits for you to be able to route multiple copies of input signals to other modules. 

Comprar Behringer System 55

Ref. 001799.00000000-3-SYSTEM-55-cons-10213292

EAN 4033653032902

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